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Frankfurter Kunstverein e.V.
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"Regenerative Process" residency programme

The Frankfurter Kunstverein's " Regenerative Process " programme offers a forum for artists who are willing to let us look over their shoulders while they work and exhibit. We offer a working residency of around four weeks, which enriches both residents and visitors to the twin city of Frankfurt (Oder) - Słubice. At the end of their residency, the artists will present the results of their work at a finissage.
The presence of the artist during the opening hours of the gallery, Tuesdays to Fridays, 14:00 to 17:00, is an integral part of the residency and serves to facilitate contact between the working artist and the visitor.
Accommodation is available free of charge. Pets are not permitted.

Call for applications for "Regenerative Process" and "Słubfurt faces" 2026

Application documents to be submitted (by e-mail):

- pdf with max. 20 examples of work
- Link to your own website, if available
- further links (no more than 3)
- artistic curriculum vitae
- concept for the project in Gallery B

Please submit the application documents for 2026

- „Regenerativverfahren"   by September 30
- „Słubfurt faces"                by September 30

to the following address:   vorstand@ffkv.info

Keyword: „Regenerative process 2026 “ or „Słubfurt faces 2026 "

Please click on the picture to see the detailed map!

Please send inquiries via e-mail: vorstand@ffkv.info